Our Core Values

The Serigraph core values are who we are at our best. They are how we treat one another, and how we show up for our customers each day.

What You See is What You Get

Authentic | Open | Honest
We bring our true selves to work each day and are genuine in our interactions with others. We operate with integrity and in the best interest of Serigraph as a company over personal or departmental agendas. We are open to feedback and discourage gossiping, politicking, or backstabbing.

We Are Great Teammates

Respectful | Dependable | Gracious | Helpful
We give people the benefit of the doubt, stick to the facts, and check our ego at the door. Others can rely on us to do what we say and follow through. We are courteous and kind. We are giving of our time, talents, and knowledge to one another to succeed.

We Figure It Out

Resilient | Resourceful | Persistent | Pragmatic
We recover quickly from setbacks and remain steady when things don’t go as expected. We find quick and clever ways to achieve objectives. We stay the course and tackle problems with realistic solutions.